E12/13 July 2022

This release notes document describes the details of version E12/13 in the following platforms:

Surfsight® Portal E12/13 July 2022

This Release Notes document describes the following details for version E12/13 of the Surfsight® Portal :

New features

Enter and exit standby events


Two new events, Entering standby and Exiting standby, are now available as text notifications, without video or a snapshot attached. GPS information is included in these events.

These events are triggered when a dashcam that is connected to constant power enters or wakes up from standby mode.

Users can configure this setting for single devices, in bulk and from the Organization level.


Configure driver position from cloud


Surfsight® Portal users can now set the Driver Position as left or right side of the vehicle, from the cloud. Users can configure this setting for single devices, in bulk and from the Organization level.


Driver associated with trips


When a specified driver is associated with a trip, the driver information now appears in the trip metadata.



Improved Spanish translations


We've improved the translations to Spanish for tailgating and tampering.

Improved log in screen


We've made some small usability adjustments to the log in page for your convenience.

Event email notifications improved


We've added some extra details to event notifations by email, including some virtual events and, when relevant, the driver's name.

Fixed items

Issue ID




Speed discrepancy in event vs map in Surfsight Portal

Maps and Events both show the correct speed of the vehicle.


Tailgating and possible fatigue settings not working under organization settings

Event settings for Tailgating and Possible Fatigue are correctly saved.


Links in event notification email doesn't work on the first click

Event notifications by email now include the correct links, directing users to the event details within the app.


Events are generated as video for order now data profile

All virtual events are now uploaded with the correct type of media based on the Data Profile assigned to the device.


Driver Position is set to left when organization profile is created from the UI

When configuring device settings from the Organization Settings in the Surfsight® Portal, the driver position can now be configured as well, as described in New features.

Document change log

The following table lists the documents that were updated with the release:

Document title

Description of change

What are events?

Standby events updated

Configure settings for the dashcam

Driver position added

Drivers Camera added (had not previously been documented)

About trips

Driver name metadata added

View trip history

Driver name metadata added

Known issues

The following table lists the current known issues that have not yet been resolved:

Issue ID


KB issue

At kb.surfsight.net some tables are poorly formatted and may cause difficulty in reading them. We're currently working on overhauling our knowledge base and planning this fix as part of the changes. In the interim, partner resellers can refer to these PDFs in case they need a different format for better legibility.


Live video may sometimes flash continuously while streaming.

We are monitoring this issue and evaluating possible solutions.


Locked dashcams' event settings are not set to off by default. They continue to send video to the cloud using data from the mobile network for any events configured with video attached.

Work-around: Before locking a dashcam, change all of its event settings to off.

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