E1 January 2022

This release notes document describes the details of version E1 in the following platforms:

Surfsight Portal E1 January 2022

This Release Notes document describes the following details for version E1 of the Surfsight Portal:

New features


You can now set recipients for email notifications of events in bulk.

To configure recipients, select the relevant dashcams or groups in the Events area, then click on Edit Selected. Any email recipients added for event notifications will be applied in bulk, and receive email notifications for all of the selected dashcams.


Partner Portal E1 January 2022

This Release Notes document describes the following details for version E1 of the Partner Portal:




This is a feature compatible with the dashcam v3.10. For more information, contact your partner success manager.

You can now calibrate for road-facing ADAS from the European server of the Partner Portal in addition to the US server.

Developer Portal E1 January 2022

This Release Notes document describes the following details for version E1 of the Developer Portal:

New features


If a webhook is not delivered due to your server being down, Surfsight® now tries sending it again up to six times. The final attempt takes place about 24 hours after the original failed delivery.

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