Standby mode

For the Surfsight® AI-12 dashcam, when standby mode is entered and when it is exited, a relevant event is triggered and sent to the cloud. Read here for more information about these events.

Power source

To use Standby mode, the dashcam must be connected to a constant power source.

In Standby mode, the dashcam draws a current of 32 mA.


For power consumption details see AI-12 specifications or AI-14 specifications.

To assess battery life, use this formula:

Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Load Current (mAh)

Exiting standby mode

The following actions exit standby mode and wake up the camera.

For the AI-12 dashcam:

  • The dashcam exits standby mode when the motion sensor detects the vehicle starting to move. In the AI-12 dashcam, a strong jolt may also cause the vehicle to exit standby, but note that not all jolts trigger the Exiting Standby event.

  • Pressing the event trigger button.

  • Waking the dashcam with an API call. For more information, see Wake up device in the Developer Portal.

  • Waking the dashcam through the Surfsight® Portal, with the WAKE UP button. For more information, see Edit or delete a single dashcam.

For the AI-14 dashcam:

  • If Virtual ignition is enabled, the the dashcam exits standby mode when the motion sensor detects the vehicle starting to move.

  • If Virtual ignition is disabled, the dashcam relies on the ignition line in the cable to detect the turning of the ignition key.

  • Pressing the event trigger button.

  • Waking the dashcam with an API call. For more information, see Wake up device in the Developer Portal.


The AI-14 dashcam exits Standby mode and wakes up once you turn on the ignition of the vehicle, view recordings availability, stream recordings, or create a virtual event with a timestamp before the dashcam went into standby mode. The dashcam records until the standby timer is met and then returns to standby mode. This is a temporary implementation which will be fixed in future firmware versions.

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