The following questions are frequently asked questions about the AI-12 dashcam:
Question |
Answer |
How do I change the date and time on the dashcam? |
The date and time are determined by the mobile network of the dashcam. These details are hard-coded in the software for accuracy and can't be changed. NoteIf a vehicle travels between time zones, the dashcam automatically adjusts to the new local time. You can change the time format of the dashcam in the Settings menu of the dashcam. |
What power source should the auxiliary cameras be connected to? |
Auxiliary cameras are connected to the vehicle ignition power. They do not require constant power. |
Where are the hotspot settings? |
The dashcam can share its internet data by way of its hotspot. |
What is the difference between WiFi and hotspot? |
Wi-Fi is the technology that enables devices to connect to the internet or communicate with other devices wirelessly. A hotspot refers to a physical location on a device that serves as an access point from which other devices can access Wi-Fi. Some vehicles offer a hotspot that can be used by other devices. In such a case, the vehicle itself is already connected to WiFi, usually through a data plan. When the hotspot in the vehicle is enabled, other devices can connect to that hotspot in order to also benefit from a wireless internet connection. The dashcam can be used as a hotspot to support data usage for other devices. In such a case, the dashcam itself is already connected to WiFi by way of its SIM card. When the hotspot in the dashcam is enabled, other devices can connect to that hotspot in order to also benefit from a wireless internet connection. CautionUse of the dashcam for a hotspot may result in unexpected data usage and costs. |
What happens if the dashcam loses connection to the hotspot? |
Once you connect the dashcam to a hotspot, the dashcam stores the relevant WiFi credentials in order to access that hotspot in the future. If the dashcam loses that connection, it will automatically connect to the hotspot again as soon as it becomes available. |
Will I need to manually reconnect the dashcam to its hotspot for any reason? |
Once you connect the dashcam to a hotspot, the dashcam stores the relevant WiFi credentials. You will only need to reconnect it after a factory reset. |
Where are the WiFi settings? |
For information about WiFi settings, see Set the dashcam Wi-Fi connection using a QR code and The dashcam Wi-Fi and hotspot. |
If I connect my dashcam to a hotspot in the vehicle and plan on using the WiFi as the primary, long term network connection, are there any issues I need to be concerned about? |
Surfsight® does not recommend this. If you use a hotspot in your vehicle as your primary connection for the dashcam, the dashcam will lose its connection every time the vehicle is turned off. This disables standby features, can cause loss of diagnostic capabilities and can cause connectivity issues even when the vehicle is on. |
Can I connect the dashcam to a vehicle hotspot and then use the SIM card that's installed in the dashcam as backup, in case the WiFi goes out? |
Yes, however this would mean that every time connectivity is lost with the hotspot, the dashcam will immediately rely on the SIM card for data and may result in unexpected data usage depending on your data plan and the way your SIM card is managed. |
How do I improve the quality of the videos and recordings? |
The quality of videos and recordings are part of the data profile and are typically set according to data usage and data plans. Contact your reseller support agent for more information. |
How can I record for more than 60 minutes after the vehicle is turned off? |
Currently, the dashcam only records between 10 and 60 minutes after turning off the vehicle. This is something that Surfsight® might change in the future. To change the amount of time that the dashcam keeps recording after the vehicle is turned off, see Standby mode. |
If I've turned the vehicle off and left it, how do I know that the dashcam is recording for 10 minutes? |
The dashcam records for a minimum of 10 minutes once the ignition is turned off, as long as it is connected to constant power. |
What do I do if I forgot my PIN? |
Contact your reseller support agent for support. |
What units of measurement can I set my dashcam to? |
The dashcam can be set to kilometers per hour or miles per hour, from the dashcam settings. |
Why do drivers not receive camera alerts when they should, or receive alerts when they shouldn't? |
Typically, this might happen when the driver's position is not set correctly, or if the driver's upper body is not in view of the driver-facing lens. |
Why aren't events triggered when they should be, or events are triggered when they shouldn't? |
Why are so many false positives triggered for my dashcam? |
Is there a way to customize the amount of time to display a live view? |
Yes. Live views can be customized via our API. |
Can rotating the dashcam lens trigger an event? |
If the dashcam lens rotates and the g-force is significant, an event may be triggered. Tighten the lens screws fully when completing the installation to ensure that the dashcam cannot be rotated. |
Can the same encryption password be used across multiple SD cards? |
The SD password is selected when the card is encrypted and is only connected to the card itself. Any password can be used for any card, and the same password can be used for more than one card. |
What are the rules for creating encrypted passwords? |
The password must be either 16, or 24 or 32 characters in length. See Enable encryption for SD card recordings. |
Does the position of the seatbelt affect how the dashcam triggers a Distracted Driving event? |
Yes. Best practice is that the dashcam is located to the left of the driver. |
What’s the IP rating for the dashcam? |
IP ratings determine the level of protection against water ingress. The dashcam is installed inside the vehicle which means that there is no IP rating. |
Can the SD card of the auxcam be encrypted for data protection purposes? |
No. The auxcam must be opened up to access data which means that the data is not easily accessible. Also, no private data is stored. |
Can you change a hotspot password? |
No. |
Can you use WIFI aux cams and connect to a 3rd party WIFI cloud connection to perform tests / demos without using SIM data? |
Yes. |
What happens if I power off the dashcam using the power isolation (master) switch? |
When the battery is used to power the dashcam, the dashcam does not record or function. If the battery remains in use for a long time, the dashcam won’t be fully functional until the battery charge reaches at least 30%. |
Does connecting auxiliary cameras to a dashcam affect the recording time available on the dashcam? |
When auxiliary cameras are connected to a dashcam, the available memory in the dashcam SD card is split between the dashcam and all connected auxiliary cameras. For more information about auxiliary cameras, see Auxiliary camera overview. |