To install the AI-14 dashcam, first make sure you have all of the items you need.
The following items are included in the dashcam box:
the AI-14 dashcam, including the mounting bracket and pre-installed SIM and micro-SD cards
Take note of the dashcam's IMEI number. The IMEI number is on a sticker on the dashcam itself and on the back of the dashcam box. You will need this number when setting up the dashcam, and also if you need support.
T6 torx wrench
alcohol wipes
In addition, you should also prepare the following items:
a hardwire kit with a vehicle interface cable, purchased from our order form
The hardwire kit includes:
a cable with three wires and a dashcam connector:
a black ground wire for a metal ground bolt
a red wire to connect the dashcam to constant power
a brown wire to connect the dashcam to ignition power
a cable with a molex connector to connect to the dashcam
The wires require a 12V or 24V power source.
2 add-a-fuse kits, not sold by Lytx
For additional information about the dashcam use, see Driver safety warnings.