FAQ: road-facing ADAS

The following are frequently asked questions about road-facing advanced driver system assistance (ADAS):



Is ADAS supported for both left and right-side driving?

All of our risky and distracted driving in-cab and road-facing alerts offer support for all regions and when driving on either side of the cabin.

How do I know when I need to recalibrate the dashcam?

You should recalibrate the dashcam whenever the dashcam is moved. This is typically only due to a collision or transferring the dashcam to a different vehicle.

Can you bulk calibrate for road-facing ADAS?

No. This is because each vehicle must be driven as part of the calibration process. Additionally, placement of the dashcam will always vary from vehicle to vehicle.

We use centimeters but the dashcam defaults to inches. How can we easily calibrate for road-facing ADAS?

You can change the measurement units for each dashcam, or convert from centimeters to inches when entering the measurements.

From the Partner Portal, you can switch between inches and centimeters at the beginning of the calibration process.

At what speed does road-facing ADAS turn on and create events?

The dashcam begins monitoring for events once the vehicle is driving above 5 kilometers per hour.

How often does the tailgating event get triggered?

New tailgating events get triggered over and over if the driver continues to tailgate - every one to five seconds depending on the amount of time you've configured for the continuous time to collision parameter.

For example, if the continuous time to collision is set to four seconds, a tailgating event is triggered every four seconds that the driver continues to tailgate.

How do you measure the distance from the dashcam to the ground? What accuracy level is needed to not impact road-facing ADAS performance?

You can measure the distance from the ground to the floor of the vehicle, measure from the floor of the vehicle to the dashcam, and add the two measurements.

Another option is to measure from the ground to a point parallel in height to the dashcam.

Road-facing ADAS performs better with a more exact measurement. The more exact you can get this measurement, the better.

When measuring the dashcam offset from the windshield, from where on the dashcam do you measure?

Measure from the center of the windshield to the middle of the road-facing lens.

Why do I not see a CALIBRATE ADAS button when I click i-operations.png in the Devices area of the Partner Portal?

This button only appears after you've prepared the dashcam for calibration. Drive the vehicle at above 75 km/h for around five minutes to obtain images for ADAS calibration.

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